Friday, June 3, 2011

Rage Gameplay Trailer

This new Rage trailer shows that it's much more than just a Fallout/Borderlands clone. The different types of ammo and weapons just in this sequence seems pretty robust and the world seems pretty realized. Even months from it's release Rage looks relatively polished and ready to go.

Bethesda's involvement ensures us solid open world gameplay and with Id's long standing history with First-Person Shooters the gunplay should be(and looks to be) better than ever. E3 is just around the corner and I'm interested to see how much more of Rage Id will show us.

With First-person gameplay like this, franchises like Modern Warefare and Battlefield are going to have to step up their game a little. While Rage certainly is catering to a bit of a different audience I know I personally will be easily making the decision to play this over at least Modern Warefare 3(I have a soft spot for the Battlefield titles).

I can't wait to see more from Rage.

Video Via Kotaku


  1. great review. keep up the good work, definitely following

  2. yes that looks awesome, cant wait

  3. Hmm interesting title, hope to see more out of it at E3

  4. To me this looks like a mix between bioshock (taking the plasmids and turning them into ammo types) and COD (Gun's and rc bombs). I hope they make it unique.

  5. in not much into fps but this seems ok

  6. Nice trailer, beautiful graphics.

    I was getting worried that the whole game took place on the desert sands for awhile there.

  7. Strange concep for a game but im looking forward to it honestly. followed

  8. great game and epic grapics, really looking forward to it! :)
